
Konojedy, 2024-08-11T22:30:00+02:00, Nikon D5600 mod, SW 100ED APO / 900mm x 0.85, ISO 800, Optolong L-enhance, 30 x 300s

Horsehead Nebula
Konojedy, 2024-03-09T20:46:00+01:00, Nikon D5600 mod, SW 100ED APO / 900mm x 0.85, ISO 800, Optolong L-enhance, 6 x 300s a 15 x 240s

Orion Nebula - M42, M43, Sh2-279 (Running Man Nebula)
Konojedy, 2024-01-08T20:30:00+01:00, Nikon D5600 mod, SW 100ED APO / 900mm x 0.85, ISO 800, Optolong L-enhance, 26 x 360s

NGC 7023 (Iris)
Konojedy, 2023-10-13T22:48:00+02:00, Nikon D5600 mod, SW 100ED APO / 900mm, ISO 1600, ISO 800, Optolong UV/IR cut, 25 x 500s

SH2-101 (Tulip Nebula)
Konojedy, 2023-09-20T21:26:00+02:00, Nikon D5600 mod, SW 100ED APO / 900mm, ISO 1600, ISO 400, ISO 800, Optolong UV/IR cut, 27 x 300s

M16 (Pillars of Creation)
Konojedy, 2023-08-18T23:23:00+02:00, Nikon D5600, SW 100ED APO / 900mm, ISO 1600 9 x 500s

M27 (Dumbbell Nebula)
Konojedy, 2023-08-18T22:30:00+02:00, Nikon D5600, SW 100ED APO / 900mm, ISO 800 8 x 500s
Nebulas are a fairly broad term. This includes both those that generate the visible themselves light, as well as those from which light is merely reflected. A special category are the nebulae that have arisen after the demise of the star, which says goodbye in a spectacular explosion in the form of a supernova. In the extinction of less massive stars with masses like is our Sun, for example, material is also ejected, which also appears as a beautiful nebula.